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Articoli - Sezione miscellanea

V. 14 (2021): Oltre il “post-”. L’esperienza (post-)sovietica sotto la lente (post-)coloniale

Tadeusz Różewicz tra l’immondezzaio e il silenzio



In this article some characteristics of the late poetic work of Tadeusz Różewicz (1921-2014) are examined, highlighting the poet’s evolution from the 1991 masterpiece, Bas-relief, to one of the last volumes published by the poet, Buy a Pig in a Poke (2008). In particular, a fundamental aspect of Różewicz’s entire poetics will be taken into consideration, the role of silence. The poetics of reticence, particularly visible in Bas-relief, transforms radically in the poet’s last works, undergoing an almost complete inversion; silence is replaced with a seemingly meaningless logorrhoea that actually hides a great wealth of meaning. Tadeusz Różewicz engages in linguistic and stylistic experimentation to face – and often to criticise with great irony – contemporary society. In this way Różewicz confirms himself, up to the last phase of his artistic creation, as an avant-gardist par excellence.